
CDU partners with NAAJA to deliver True Justice program to law students

CDU partners with NAAJA to deliver True Justice program to law students

22nd Aug 2024

The True Justice Deep Listening on Country program is coordinated by Charles Darwin University (CDU) Senior Lecturer in Law Dr Susan Bird and NAAJA’s James Parfitt Fejo and aims to develop a student’s understanding of the Indigenous perspectives of the justice system.

Charles Darwin University’s Law School partnered with the North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency (NAAJA) to provide students with a unique glimpse into the legal system as seen by First Nations Peoples.

In a first for CDU, the five-day True Justice Deep Listening on Country elective saw 10 second-year law students examine the current Australian legal education, legal practice, and law and justice in relation to First Nations Peoples. Half of the enrolments were from First Nations backgrounds, and the other half were non-Indigenous – but all were selected due to their intense interest in working for justice for First Nations Peoples.

Students travelled to sites in Kakadu and Garramilla to connect with First Nations Traditional Owners, educators, interpreters, academics and lawyers.

Senior Lecturer in Law Dr Susan Bird and NAAJA’s James Parfitt Fejo adapted the program, initially created by John Rawnsley, and said students now better understand the connections between law, culture and identity. Students described the program as ‘life changing’.

‘Through this course, students increased their cultural competency and deepened their understanding by hearing stories from First Nations knowledge holders. They were given a chance to reflect on how white law impacts First Nations people,’ Dr Bird said.

‘We are so privileged here in the NT to have opportunities like this – where we can take the time to listen deeply to other’s perspectives and think about how we could make reforms to our legal system to better reflect the needs of First Nations peoples.

‘An elective like this is a great opportunity to help reinvigorate our students, particularly First Nations students, as law study can sometimes be challenging and exhausting. Having the opportunity to slow down and listen deeply will help them remain engaged as well as progress in their careers,’ she said. 

Throughout the program, students listened to Indigenous perspectives and critiques about the nature and impacts of the justice system and learned about sustainable paths to recalibrate the Australian legal education and system. 

Mr Parfitt Fejo, a proud Larrakia man with over 30 years’ experience in the Indigenous legal space, said this program offered the opportunity to provide a sense of connectedness and allowed students to collaborate and ally themselves with justice for Indigenous peoples.

‘Going out on Country provided Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples with the chance to come together in a safe environment and learn in a context that is not a classroom,’ Mr Parfitt Fejo said.

‘Students spoke with Elders and other presenters on Country and learned about the history and legal disadvantage experienced by First Nations Peoples.

‘Understanding the past will help to provide healing so that we can come together and move forward as a community and transform the education and learning of law,’ he said. 

CDU’s Dean of Law Professor Alan Berman said partnerships like the one CDU has with NAAJA is vital in providing career opportunities for students. 

‘I am pleased that we are partnering with NAAJA on this important course. Students returned from the experience reporting on how much they learned. They are now equipped to make suggestions for ways the legal system can be reformed,’ Professor Berman said.

‘Several of CDU’s law graduates have gone on to work at NAAJA or other local law firms and government agencies so the knowledge they gain from this will be very important going forward in their careers.

Link to further reading: True Justice through deep listening on Country: decolonising legal education in Australia

The ALA thanks Charles Darwin University Law School for this contribution.

Dr Susan Bird is a Senior Lecturer in Law.  She is an interdisciplinary research scholar. Her interests lie broadly in law and legal philosophy, in particular legal geographies, and making spaces more inclusive.

James Parfitt Fejo is a proud Larrakia man and Community Legal Educator for the North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency (NAAJA).

John Rawnsley is a Larrakia and Anmetjerre man who initially created the program while Manager of Law and Justice Projects at the North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency. He is currently Senior Advisor to the Hon Selena Uibo MLA.

This is an edited version of an article first published by Charles Darwin University.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are the authors and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of the Australian Lawyers Alliance (ALA).

Tags: Northern Territory Charles Darwin University North Australia Aboriginal Justice Agency True Justice Deep Listening on Country Dr Susan Bird James Parfitt Fejo John Rawnsley