
2023 Review of Queensland’s Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance scheme

5th May 2023



The ALA’s Queensland Branch Committee has made a submission to the 2023 Review of Queensland’s Compulsory Third Party insurance scheme, in response to the accompanying discussion paper released by the Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC). The ALA also met with MAIC in March 2023 to discuss matters relating to this review.

The ALA, as articulated in our submission, will always support improvements to Queensland’s CTP scheme to make it more efficient, fair and flexible for motorists and all injured persons – provided those changes are grounded in evidence and prioritise what is best for Queenslanders. With that in mind, our submission includes responses to the three scenarios proposed by MAIC in its discussion paper.

The submissions of other stakeholders, who consented to their submissions being published, are also now available on MAIC’s website here.

ALA submission | Discussion paper