
Truth and Justice Commission Bill 2024 (Cth)

26th Sep 2024


The ALA has been authorised to publish a submission we made in September to the Joint Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs regarding the Truth and Justice Commission Bill 2024 (Cth) (Bill).

In our submission, the ALA has reiterated that the creation of a national Truth and Justice Commission (Commission) would be an important step in fulfilling the Federal Government’s commitment to truth-telling. A national truth-telling process would complement ongoing and future truth-telling processes in the states and territories, as well as local community-led truth-telling.

We have also recommended a number of amendments to the Bill, including that more details should be included on how the Commission will conduct hearings and accept evidence from witnesses – especially from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples – in culturally safe and accessible ways.

The Joint Standing Committee will hand down its final report on this matter by 11 February 2025.

ALA submission 

Tags: Access to justiceAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peopleIndigenous justiceAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples