
Veterans’ Entitlements, Treatment and Support (Simplification and Harmonisation) Bill 2024 (Cth)

7th Aug 2024



The ALA has been authorised to publish our submission to the Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee (Committee) regarding the Veterans' Entitlements, Treatment and Support Bill 2024 (Cth).

This Bill aims to simplify and harmonise the existing tri-Act framework of legislation governing veterans’ entitlements, rehabilitation and compensation arrangements. It is intended that the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 (Cth) will operate as the single piece of legislation from 1 July 2026.

In our submission, the ALA reiterates our strong support for the harmonisation of legislation concerning veterans’ entitlements, rehabilitation and compensation claims.

However, we have also noted a number of serious concerns held by ALA members which we raised previously in our 17

April 2024 submission on the provisions of the Exposure Draft of this Bill. The ALA’s concerns still stand with regards to the Bill in its current form, and so we have urged the Committee to recommend that the Federal Government amends this Bill to address the concerns and issues raised by the ALA in both of our submissions.

One of the ALA’s primary concerns is that veterans would continue to face significant barriers to accessing legal representation during the claims process. The ALA considers that it is essential for veterans to have the option to utilise legal representation and assistance at all stages of the claims process.

The Committee is due to finalise its report on the Bill by Thursday 3 October 2024.

ALA submission

Tags: CompensationMedical treatmentVeteransDepartment of Veterans Affairs