Cullen v State of New South Wales: A landmark case on duty of care at protest rallies
29th Jun 2023Jeremy King and Sophia Baldi of Robinson Gill Lawyers explore the implications and outcomes of an incident that transpired during an ‘Invasion Day Rally’ in January 2017, during which police breached a duty of care to bystanders while making an arrest, resulting in significant harm to the plaintiff.
Sentencing, over-policing, STMP and crime reduction in NSW
6th Aug 2020Mark Warren analyses statistics to determine the effectiveness of NSW sentencing reforms on prison population, police and crime reduction, and STMP technology.
Legal and welfare checks should be extended to save Aboriginal lives in custody
12th Sep 2019Professor Thalia Anthony argues that to prevent deaths in custody, a custody notification service must be properly funded and available to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in custody, including those who are detained in protective custody or following a paperless arrest.
Why your non-dental cavities may be of interest to the authorities
27th Sep 2018In the event that new legislation permitting searches for internally concealed drugs is passed in NSW, criminal lawyers and their clients will have to adjust to a changing legal landscape very quickly.
Police accountability in Australia: Complaint mechanisms
12th Apr 2018What are the current police complaint mechanisms around Australia? And is Australia complying with its international obligation to ensure that perpetrators of human rights violations, and specifically those perpetrated by police authorities, are adequately held to account through an independent, effective and impartial investigation into their conduct?