In 2020, our core federal policy areas are:
- Compensation;
- Human rights; and
- Justice (including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander justice).
Further information about our federal policy areas can be viewed under 'Our work'.
Below is a listing of all of the ALA's submissions in 2020.
Submission | To | Date |
Compensation |
Standing Committee on Law and Justice, Parliament of NSW |
23 December |
Compensation |
The Treasury, Australian Government | 21 December |
Compensation |
Policy, Reform and Legislation, Department of Communities and Justice, NSW Government | 15 December |
Justice |
Office of Strategic Legislation and Policy, Department of Justice, Tasmanian Government |
11 December |
Compensation Current factors and trends influencing the cost of insurance under the statutory insurance scheme |
Motor Accident Insurance Commission, Queensland | 24 November |
Justice A legal framework for voluntary assisted dying – Consultation paper |
Queensland Law Reform Commission | 17 November |
Compensation Review of Legal Support for Injured People in the NSW CTP Scheme |
State Insurance Regulation Authority, NSW Government |
4 November |
Compensation |
The Hon. Robert McDougall QC | 28 October |
Compensation |
Actuaries Institute | 27 October |
Justice Review of the Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (High Risk Terrorist Offenders) Bill 2020 |
Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security, Parliament of Australia |
27 October |
Justice |
Office of Strategic Legislation and Policy, Department of Justice, Tasmanian Government | 22 October |
Compensation |
Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs, Parliament of Australia |
20 October |
Justice Consultation on the Monetary Penalties Enforcement Amendment Bill 2020 |
Office of Strategic Legislation and Policy, Department of Justice, Tasmanian Government | 23 September |
Justice Current and former copyright and licensing arrangements for the Aboriginal Flag design |
Select Committee on the Aboriginal Flag, Parliament of Australia |
18 September |
Compensation |
Peter Rozen QC | 18 September |
Justice |
NSW Sentencing Council |
14 September |
Justice Criminal Code (Consent and Mistake of Fact) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2020 |
Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee, Queensland Parliament |
7 September |
Justice Justice Miscellaneous (Court Backlog and Related Matters) Bill 2020 |
Office of Strategic Legislation and Policy, Department of Justice, Tasmanian Government | 2 September |
Justice |
Independent reviewer | 31 August |
Justice |
Tasmanian Legislative Council | 27 August |
Compensation Services Australia’s COVID-19 Measures and Enterprise Risk Management |
Australian National Audit Office | 26 August |
Compensation Comments on the Civil Liability (Institutional Child Abuse Liability) Amendment Bill 2020 |
South Australian Attorney-General | 25 August |
Justice Inquiry into First Nations people in custody in New South Wales Subsequent appearance at online public hearing on 26 October 2020. (Dr Louis Schetzer can be read from p3.) |
Select Committee on the High Level of First Nations People in Custody and Oversight and Review of Deaths in Custody, Parliament of NSW |
24 August |
Compensation |
Office of Industrial Relations, Queensland Government | 17 August |
Justice Third open letter to Australian governments on COVID-19 and the criminal justice system |
Australian governments | 8 August |
Justice |
Legal and Social Issues Committee, Parliament of Victoria |
5 August |
Justice Joint submission: Corrections Amendment (Electronic Monitoring) Bill 2020 |
Strategic Legislation and Policy, Department of Justice, Tasmanian Government |
31 July |
Compensation Inquiry into the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission Subsequent appearance at online public hearing on 29 September 2020. (Thomas Ballantyne can be read from p15.) Subsequent response to questions on notice from public hearing, submitted on 6 November 2020. |
Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Parliament of Australia | 28 July |
Justice |
Select committee on the impact of technological and other change on the future of work and workers in New South Wales, Parliament of NSW |
24 July |
Justice |
Commissioners, Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability | 22 July |
Justice |
House Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs, Parliament of Australia |
17 July |
Justice Review of Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Amendment Bill 2020 |
Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security, Parliament of Australia | 23 June |
Justice |
Mr Francisco Calí Tzay, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples |
19 June |
Justice |
Queensland Sentencing Advisory Council | 18 June |
Compensation |
The Hon. Victor Dominello MP, Minister for Customer Service, Parliament of NSW | 15 June |
Justice Inquiry into litigation funding and the regulation of the class action industry |
Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services, Parliament of Australia |
8 June |
Justice Review of the Migration Amendment (Prohibiting Items in Immigration Detention Facilities) Bill 2020 |
Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee, Parliament of Australia |
5 June |
Compensation |
Mr David Vincent, General Manager, Queensland Motor Accident Insurance Commission | 2 June |
Compensation Current factors and trends influencing the cost of insurance under the statutory insurance scheme |
Motor Accident Insurance Commission, Queensland |
2 June |
Compensation 2020 Review of the Workers Compensation Scheme Subsequent response to questions on notice from public hearing, submitted on 2 September 2020. |
Standing Committee on Law and Justice, Parliament of NSW |
29 May |
Justice |
Select Committee on COVID-19, Parliament of Australia | 27 May |
Justice |
The Honourable Jill Hennessy, Attorney-General and Minister for Workplace Safety, Victorian Government | 22 April |
Justice Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability |
Commissioners, Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability | 20 April |
Justice Evidence (Children and Special Witnesses) Amendment Bill 2020 |
Department of Justice, Tasmanian Government | 16 April |
Compensation |
Parliament of Australia, Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme | 15 April |
Justice Australia’s Human Rights Scorecard: Australia’s 2020 United Nations UPR NGO Coalition Report |
Australia's third Universal Periodic Review | 9 April |
Justice Second open letter to Australian governments on COVID-19 and the criminal justice system |
Australian governments | 8 April |
Justice |
Tasmanian Greens Party | 23 March |
Justice Open letter to Australian governments on COVID-19 and the criminal justice system |
Australian governments | 20 March |
Justice |
Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability |
12 March |
Justice Setting aside deeds of release in respect of institutional abuse victims |
The Honourable Mark Speakman SC MP, NSW Attorney General | 10 March |
Compensation Current factors and trends influencing the cost of insurance under the statutory insurance scheme |
Motor Accident Insurance Commission, Queensland | 9 March |
Human rights |
Australian Human Rights Commission | 4 March |
Justice |
Council of Attorneys-General | 13 February |
Justice Sentencing Amendment (Dangerous Criminals and High Risk Offenders) Bill 2020 |
Department of Justice, Tasmanian Government | 12 February |
Justice Renaming sexual offences in Chapter XIV of the Criminal Code Act 1924 |
Department of Justice Child Abuse Royal Commission Response Unit, Tasmanian Government |
7 February |
Justice |
Department of Justice, Tasmanian Government |
7 February |
Compensation Consultation on Prudential Standard SPS 250 Insurance in Superannuation |
Australian Prudential Regulation Authority | 3 February |
Compensation Accident Compensation Conciliation Service – Arbitration Powers |
Victorian Government Department of Justice and Community Safety | 30 January |
Justice Current barriers to patient access to medicinal cannabis in Australia The ALA did not provide a submission to this inquiry, however presented the above evidence at a hearing in Melbourne on 29 January 2020. (Dr Teresa Nicoletti can be read from p13.) |
Parliament of Australia, Senate Standing Committees on Community |
29 January |
Justice |
Australian Government Attorney-General's Department |
28 January |
Justice |
Queensland Law Reform Commission | 27 January |
Compensation Superannuation Data Transformation Project Topic Paper 1 - RSE Structure and Profile |
Australian Prudential Regulation Authority | 17 January |
Justice |
Queensland Sentencing Advisory Council |
10 January |