Presentation recordings (R) and speaker papers (P) from past Australian Lawyers Alliance events are available to purchase here. Where available, all recordings will come with speaker papers.

A full listing of recordings and papers available from 2021, categorised by event, can be accessed below:

Queensland Conference 2021

12–13 February 2021

Click here to download the order form.



(Keynote address) The truth hurts (R)

Andrew Boe, Barrister, Black Chambers (Syd)/Carbolic Chambers (Bris)

Facilitated conclave conferences: Tips and why they are necessary (R)

Kathryn McMillan QC, Barrister, Quay 11 Chambers

Kirsten Van Der Wal, Associate, Maurice Blackburn

Expert evidence – when it is not necessary (R)

Anna Morgan, Special Counsel, Evolve Legal

Workers’ compensation case review (R)

Jeremy Wiltshire, Barrister, Inns of Court

Tips for a successful statutory review (R)

Matt Black, Barrister, Quay 11 Chambers

Over period of time claims (R)

Michael Kehoe, Barrister, Cedric Hampson Chambers

Advances in traumatic brain injury litigation (R)

Jamie Shine, General Manager, Shine Lawyers

Life expectancy – statistical and epidemiological
considerations (R)

Geoffrey Diehm QC, Barrister, Jeddart Chambers

Hip and knee replacements (R)

Dr Cameron Cooke, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Adept IME

Dr Angus Nicoll, Orthopaedic Surgeon,
Adept IME

Mediations: What works and what doesn’t (R)

Peter Munro, Barrister, Clashfern Chambers

Tips to sway a defendant insurer (R)

Trenton Schreurs, Principal, McInnes Wilson Lawyers

Logistically speaking – managing your client and the insurer for the best outcome (R)

Brad Shanahan, Partner, Wallace & Wallace Lawyers

Motor vehicle case update (R)

Beth Rolton, Senior Associate, Maurice Blackburn Lawyers

Claims farming – one year on (R)

Peter Gibson, General Manager (Qld), Shine Lawyers

David Vincent, General Manager, Motor Accident Insurance Commission

Effects of abuse and how to achieve a good psychiatric assessment (R)

Dr Ashwani Garg, Consultant Psychiatrist,
Nexus by eReports

Abuse law case reviews (R)

Leanne McDonald, National Practice Leader, Abuse, Shine Lawyers

Public liability case reviews (R)

Travis Schultz, Director, Travis Schultz Law

Selecting PIPA Respondents – mitigating risk and avoiding scattergun litigation (R)

John Kimmins, Barrister, Inns of Court

Katie Caldow, Partner, Chambers Russell Lawyers

COVID-19 – an evolution of the challenges and changes in the Queensland legal Industry (R)

Katrina Pedersen, Principal Lawyer, Slater and Gordon Lawyers

Elizabeth Delroy, Lawyer, Slater and Gordon Lawyers

Liability – working from home (R)

Mark Dohrmann AM, Mechanical Engineer, Dohrmann Consulting

Inheritance Impatience: a lawyer’s guide to the current climate (R)

Michele Davis, Adjunct Lecturer, College of Law and PhD Candidate, QUT
Funds management post-settlement (R) Vicki Mounts, Partner, Private Clients, Perpetual
Admissibility of evidence (R) Mark Glen, Barrister, Endeavour Chambers
Costs considerations during the negotiation process (R) Chau Donnan, Barrister, Darrow Chambers
2020 life insurance case review (R)

Rebecca Nichols, Barrister,
More Chambers

Phil Nolan, Barrister, Darrow Chambers

Building your personal brand in the legal profession (R) Midja Fisher, Leadership Expert, Author
Protocols for Bar to raise concerns about judicial conduct (R) Gerard Mullins, Barrister, Darrow Chambers
Ethics: Should I or Shouldn’t I? A basic instinct (R) The Honourable Duncan McMeekin QC, Retired Supreme Court Justice, Mediator, More Chambers

NSW Personal Injury and National Medical Law Conference 2021

12 March 2021

Click here to download the order form.



(Keynote address) The Ruby Princess and climate denialism (R)

Richard Beasley SC, Senior Counsel assisting the Special Commission of Inquiry into the Ruby Princess

Introduction to the Personal Injury Commission (R)

Marie Johns, Division Head Motor Accidents Division, Personal Injury Commission

Judge Gerard Phillips, President, Workers Compensation Commission

Navigating CTP and practical tips (R)

Geraldine Daley AM, Director, CDQ Solicitors

Workers’ compensation case review (R)

Jeremy Wiltshire, Barrister, Inns of Court

Workers’ compensation update (R)

Steve Groves, Special Counsel, Lamrocks

Update on NDIS paybacks and compensation reduction amounts (R)

Jane Campbell, Principal, Aeran

Judicial review of CARS, MAS and DRS determinations: Recent decisions in NSW (R)

Jnana Gumbert, Barrister, Jack Shand Chambers

Mark Robinson SC, Barrister, Maurice Byers Chambers

Judicial findings regarding the key elements of child sexual abuse cases (R)

Richard Royle, Barrister, Sir Owen Dixon Chambers

NSW case review (R)

Dr Andrew Morrison RFD SC, Barrister, Wardell Chambers

BYO bandages – the case for regional and rural health reform (P)

Catherine Henry, Catherine Henry Lawyers

Birth trauma, instrumental delivery and consent issues (R)

Clinical Professor Jon Hyett, Head of High Risk Obstetrics, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital / University of Sydney

First Nations health justice and medical negligence (R)

George Newhouse, Principal Solicitor, National Justice Project

Assoc Prof. Chelsea Watego, Principal Research Fellow, School of Science, University of Queensland

Jazlie Davies, Paralegal, National Justice Project

Diagnosis of complex bereavement disorder (R)

Joan Haliburn, MBBS, FRANZCP, M. Med, Consultant Child, Adolescent & Family Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist, Complex Trauma Unit, University of Sydney

Cosmetic surgery and consent issues (R)

Dr Malcolm Linsell, Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon

Medical litigation: Miles to go before we sleep (R)

Bill Madden, Special Counsel, Carroll & O’Dea Lawyers